Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR)


The Firm has the capacity to litigate in civil, criminal, banking, corporate and commercial matters at all levels including the Tribunals, Civil Courts, and the High Courts. To date the firm has handled cases at all above-mentioned levels with quick disposal, as speedy justice is one of the aims of the Firm. Not only does the firm have the capacity to handle matters in the demanding environment of the civil courts but most of its lawyers appear before the high courts, banking courts, special courts and tribunals regularly.


The Firm offers a complete range of services in respect of arbitration including the formation of arbitration clauses, arbitration agreements, preparing claims, and conducting of arbitration proceedings. The Firm is fully conversant with UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, CIETAC Rules, LCIA Rules, ICC Rules, Swiss Arbitration Rules, Vienna Rules, WIPO Rules, United States Federal Arbitration Act, ICSID Rules, New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards 1958 and a wide range of Regional and International Rules. The Firm has also provided advice to its clients against ENGRO Foods, which is one of the biggest emerging food chain in Pakistan. In addition to this, Firm is also keen to advise its clients in different arbitrations at national as well as international level.

Senior Partner of the Firm is also one of the few arbitration experts in Pakistan. His articles regarding the future of Arbitration in Pakistan are under process. The Firm has a plan to open an arbitration center in Pakistan in 2025 upon which work on different proposals is under consideration.

How can we help you?

ADR is not beneficial and suitable for every dispute. But the court expects that the parties who’re involved in Civil and Commercial litigation. The court has the power to impose sanctions if one party to the dispute refuse to negotiate without any reason.

At Usman Habib Law Firm, our legitimate commercial and civil litigation solicitors will go whole the nine yards to resolve your dispute cost-effectively. We are well known due to our advocacy skill, high-profile and excellent client satisfaction. Count on us to resolve your litigation issues at a reasonable price.

why choose us?

Usman Habib Law Firm is one of the most professional law firms in Lahore having a great reputational experience over the span of a few years.



Usman Habib Law Firm has qualified law professionals, who can handle any legal query and that too with any legal consequences.


Our firm is multi-faceted and provide a diverse range of services to ensure unique and effective legal solutions to all clients.


Unlike other law firms in the city, we have some of the most experienced office managers having practical experience of about 35 years.

clients who testify

We have earned a reasonably good reputation over the past few years, and our clients testify the experience they have had with our experienced legal solutions.

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