Debt Recovery

Debt collection is a time consuming, frustrating, and stressful process. Unpaid debt may take your business to go down the drain and affect your cash flow. It may also create uncertainty, prevent payment of your staff, and harm your reputation. Any company must do trade on your terms.

If you need debt recovery services, get in touch with us. Our debt recovery solicitors are fast, efficient, and get the result according to your desire. We don’t give up and provide blown away services to our clients; that’s why our debt litigation lawyers are in demand. Our dedicated team understands the importance of balancing the impact of bad debt against the cost of recovery. Due to this, we provide valuable services to undisputed invoice debt cases that tailored to each client. Our compassionate solicitors handle debt cases under a conditional fee agreement, or we also deal with the cases with a transaction whereby our fee is paid from the recovered amount.

We send a same-day letter before action, which may motivate the debtor mind to focus on prompt payment. Reluctant payers will find the letter with the threat of court action. We’re experienced in extracting payment in case if the money is not forthcoming. If you need a bulk collection service, and looking for a team of fierce litigators — touch base with us to discuss your requirement. We’ll go to extra length to make you satisfied. Our experienced and qualified lawyer team can handle disputed or complex cases professionally and efficiently. We advise our clients on business debt recovery and private individual prospects of recovery.

High-Value Debt Recovery Specialists

We specialize in

  • Pre-action protocol for debt claim
  • County Court proceedings
  • Debt recovery for business
  • Debt recovery for private individuals
  • Debt recovery for financiers
  • International debt recovery
  • High Court enforcement
  • Winding-up

 Our litigation solicitors work tenaciously to collect your debt and achieve desired objectives you want. We have an outstanding track record of debt recovery. Our team of solicitors has extensive experience in working with hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses. However, our service is not limited to commercial debts as we also provide brilliant services to our private clients who are owed money for a variety of reasons. Feel free to call us and discuss your disputed debt with our debt recovery solicitors.

why choose us?

Usman Habib Law Firm is one of the most professional law firms in Lahore having a great reputational experience over the span of a few years.



Usman Habib Law Firm has qualified law professionals, who can handle any legal query and that too with any legal consequences.

one-window operation

Our firm is multi-faceted and provide a diverse range of services to ensure unique and effective legal solutions to all clients.


Unlike other law firms in the city, we have some of the most experienced office managers having practical experience of about 35 years.

clients who testify

We have earned a reasonably good reputation over the past few years, and our clients testify the experience they have had with our experienced legal solutions.

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